
Seminar on Thorium

We are organising a seminar on thorium on 20th of November 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The seminar is open to anyone who wants to participate, however the maximum capacity is 40 people. It will be held in auditorium 4, Department of Chemistry, Blindern, Oslo. We need binding registration by Friday 18th of October 2024.

If there are more than 40 people registered, we reserve the right to refuse participation, this to ensure the widest possible participation of companies and organisations. The seminar is free of charge.

See the form at the bottom of this page for registration, or you can send an e-mail to with your first and last name, your e-mail, telephone and company for registration.

Provisional programme

  • Welcome by Dag Ø. Eriksen, BorealEx

  • The need for Th as an energy carrier by Jon Petter Omtvedt, UiO

  • Thor Energy’s Experiences by Øystein Asphjell, Thor Energy/NFR

  • Small mobile reactors (SMR) by Liv Stavsetra, IFE

  • Break with coffee/tea

  • SMR in marine use by Jan Emblemsvåg, NTNU

  • Ulsteins Thor concept (presenter will be published later)

  • The need for Thorium fluoride by Bruno Ceccaroli, BorealEx

  • Lunch

  • Thorium in radiopharmacy by Ellen M. Brevik, Agilera Pharma

  • Norwegian thorium deposits by Rune Wendelbo, BorealEx

  • Thorium in the Fen-deposit (Trond Watne)

  • Break with coffee/tea

  • Norwegian network for thorium by Dag Ø. Eriksen, BorealEx