Initiators and vision

Behind the establishment of BorealEx are companies owned by technologists with broad expertise and experience

Key actors are Dag Øistein Eriksen, Bruno Ceccaroli and Rune Wendelbo. Dag Øistein Eriksen is a core chemist with hydrometallurgy as a specialist field and extensive experience from industrial chemical research and development from MEGON, IFE and Primus.inter.pares (Pipas). Bruno Ceccaroli has extensive industrial experience from Saint Gobain, Elkem, Marche, Scatec and REC. The third player is Rune Wendelbo, who is a geologist and has a background from SINTEF as well as the companies Abalonyx and Graphene Batteries.

The companies Abalonyx and Graphene Batteries have respectively developed a process for the production of graphene oxide and the use of a derivative of graphene oxide in batteries. Marche has expertise in the establishment of new technology companies, project management, research and development of silicon, rare earth metals and other metals. Primus.inter.pares (Pipas) has expertise in radioactivity, separation of rare earth metals, environmental chemistry and project management.



  • Bruno Ceccaroli

    Through appointments as a manager in Elkem and Scatec, he has a large and comprehensive network in the field of establishing high-tech businesses. Ceccaroli also has a large network in Europe, especially France.

  • Dag Øistein Eriksen

    Leader of the Norwegian network for hydrometallurgy, which has most major Norwegian process industries as members. Eriksen has worked with research in separation technology for 40 years and also has a large international network.

  • Rune Wendelbo

    Has established Abalonyx, a company that developed Europe's leading production process for graphene oxide. The company has been sold to Aker Capital and is now called LayerOne. Wendelbo is also heavily involved in the recycling of components in lithium batteries.

Our vision

BorealEx's vision is to develop environmentally friendly technology to produce critical metals and substances that are important for the European market. Here, Norwegian deposits will be central. The world now has a great need for a number of metals and materials that are designated as critical, and Norway has several deposits of rock types that can make important contributions to these critical metals. This is underlined by the fact that the government and the EU will invest in metals mined and produced in Europe.

The company's business idea is to develop processes to extract and separate critical metals from mineral deposits and waste. The focus for the company will be on the initial phase of a mineral extraction or recycling project. Furthermore, we want the value creation to preferably take place in Norway, and preferably close to the raw materials and with the use of clean energy. The technology that is developed must be competitive, environmentally friendly and energy efficient. BorealEx has access to a laboratory that meets our high standards. BorealEx, for example, has competence to carry out work with radioactivity - a competence that few companies have in Norway and in Europe.