
BorealEx has cutting-edge expertise in hydrometallurgy, and we aim to be a leading process developer for critical metals and materials. This means that we develop the best hydrometallurgical processes for clients in Norway and Europe.

Endless possibilities

With our special expertise in hydrometallurgy, we can help extract metals from rocks/minerals or as waste recycling. Today, this takes place through crushing, grinding and screening of ore; then leaching and separation of the valuable components. The possibilities are endless, and at BorealEx we work towards a "use the whole animal" strategy, so that, if desired, you can extract as many metals as possible from the rock in question.

Our starting point is to use as environmentally friendly chemicals as possible, recycle them and utilize the raw materials to the maximum, thus also minimizing waste.

The steps in a metallurgy project and the interdisciplinary field of hydrometallurgy are shown below. Feel free to contact us at BorealEx by e-mail post@borealex.no for more information.

Below are pictures from previous projects and examples of our access to laboratory facilities